
Gothic Seizure

Liam and I are on a Gothic kick that won't stop. Think less Marylin Manson, more 90's industrial techno and leather pants, respectively. We are not alone in this menacing fashion movement with studs and spikes making appearances all over this season's biggest buys. As always, Carl is right on point sighting his fall inspiration as a goth/grunge hybrid. You can expect to see him clomping up 17th in long-johns and military boots promptly.

Someone who has appropriated this goth specific nihilistic mood, that we can't get enough of, is Ontario based jewelry designer, Michael Mercanti. His line Speech will be coming to Worth just in time for you to pick up a silver-cast nail, dagger, old time anchor, or for those of you less inclined to foreboding fashion, we have a cute miniature high-heel too.
So, the next time you pop in don't be alarmed if I have a silver cast wizard's tooth around my neck and Liam is swaying to his most sinister music mix yet.
*keep tabs on the blog for photos of the jewelry as it arrives

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